So you want to be a better playwright?
Do you want to build your confidence in your playwriting skills?
To advance The Roustabouts Theatre Co.’s educational mission, co-founding partner Will Cooper, is offering a six-week course in playwriting to be held in weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions via Zoom. This course is open to playwrights of all skill levels.
The goal of the course is to further students’ basic understanding that a play is a story intended for performance on stage, not for reading as stand-alone literature. This constraint imposes special demands on an author. He or she must skillfully combine elements of, among others, driving narrative structure; individualized character; grounded dramatic conflict; rich, thematic dialogue; apt settings; and interpretative mood. Artful handling of these qualities is what engages an audience from start to finish.
Much unsuccessful work falls victim to one or more of the following faults: a weak narrative structure, a lack or misunderstanding of dramatic conflict; the off-staging of key actions or events; and the creation of indistinct, dull, or superfluous characters. Will’s focus will be on teaching these important elements, and on helping students successfully craft them into their own work.
$300 for a 6 Week Course
This course is open to playwrights of all skill levels. Visit The Roustabouts Theatre Co. for more information or fill out the form below.